
  • Technology Innovations in Swimming

    We have noticed some trends in the swimming world recently that seem to reflect a broader movement of increased reliance on technology and data. Below is a high-level summary of new products and ideas that reflect these trends. It’s always interesting for me to see what people are working on in the world of swimming…

  • How to Replace Tubing on DragSox

    Remove the plastic plate from the tubing Remove the tubing from the DragSox Insert the new tubing into the DragSox Insert the tubing into the plastic plate Kick Hard Swim Fast! You can get DragSox replacement tubing on our store:

  • To Teams Competing at the World Swimming Championship in Windsor Canada

    If you’d like to pick up DragSox while you are at the World Swimming Championship in Windsor, Canada, please email us at [email protected]. We’d be happy to deliver DragSox without international shipping charges to those who order them now. We will be meeting with various coaches during the event. Our goal is to provide international…

  • Tyler Hammond – Hour of Power

    DragSox and TKicks 60×25 @ 1:00 (We Call this "Hour of Power") I put the TKicks in the water for the entire set as well. This was done in Short Course yards. 10- Primary Stroke w/ DragSox10- Primary Stroke10- Secondary Stroke w/ DragSox10- Secondary Stroke10- Primary Stroke w/ DragSox10- Primary Stroke Millard Aquatic Club

  • Sensory Mitts are Now Available in Europe

    As of today, Sensory Mitts are available for purchase from the AquaVolo EU store: If you are in Europe, you can order Sensory Mitts as well as DragSox. Your order will ship locally from the EU with EU shipping costs. Shipping costs and the delivery time will be significantly reduced. To learn more about…