
  • Dave Durden at Excel Weekend Clinic Technique & Power

    The latest news is that Dave Durden, head coach of CAL men’s swim team, winner of the 2011 NCAA title, will present "Advanced Techniques for Competitors" at the Excel Weekend Clinic. AquaVolo will be giving an in-water DragSox demo at the clinic as well. The event will provide a unique opportunity to not only learn…

  • All Strokes – Kick Overload from

    Please check out this post "All Strokes – Kick Overload" by Glenn Mills at

  • Water Running with DragSox: Initial Observations

    I finished my second week of water running with DragSox as my primary training method to prepare for San Francisco Marathon 2011. Here are a couple of observations so far: Water running with DragSox is hard. I was in good shape before I started water running; I had been training with DragSox for 9 months…

  • San Francisco Marathon Water Running with DragSox Workout 2

    Today I plan a first long water run with DragSox. I am going to build up from here… WU + drills = 25 min 10 x 25 swim with small VoloBlades as one all out, one easy; @0:45 400 water running with DragSox. 50 with 2 x 2 lbs weights (I hold one in each…

  • Visualization

    Food for thought: In an experiment that is as hard to believe as it is simple, Drs. Guang Yue and Kelly Cole showed that imaging one is using one’s muscles actually strengthens them. The study looked at two groups, one that did physical exercise and one that imagined doing exercise. Both groups exercised a finger…